Classic Motorsports Design Sketch Contest

Classic Motorsports Design Sketch Contest

We are launching our first design competition, asking to sketch a sportscar from the 1950s-1960s. The winners will receive the “How to Draw Cars Now!” DVD set and a Amazon Gift Certificate and all participants will be the first to have their ready-made portfolio on Car Body Design.

For our first contest we have partnered with our friend Arvind Ramkrishna from Driven Mavens, who has made available two copies of its “How To Draw Cars Now” 2-DVD set (check here our detailed review).

In theme with the DVD’s theme, the brief of the competition is to create a quick drawing/rendering/painting of a racing car/sports car from the 1950s-1960s, focusing on the emotional aspect.

Classic Race Car Painting by Arvind Ramkrishna Classic Race Car Painting by Arvind Ramkrishna
Above: paintings by Arvind Ramkrishna

You can submit up to 2 images and use whatever techniques and tools you prefer – both digital and analogue – as long as you keep the execution time of each piece under two hours – remember, it’s a sketch contest.

Ayrton Senna - Painting by Michele Leonello Jackie Stewart MS84 Matra Nurburgring 1969 by Michele Leonello
Above: paintings by Michele Leonello

We also ask you to include links to any reference picture(s) you may have used – if any – as well as a short comment with the reasons behind your choice of subject.

Entries must be sent to and the submission deadline is Sunday 16 September 2012 at 11:59PM EST.

Competition Rules

How to Draw Cars Now - Marker Rendering Corvette smallThe contest has two different categories: the first one is open to beginners/first year design students, while the second one is reserved to senior design students and professional designers.

The submitted works will be reviewed by a panel made by automotive designer Michele LeonelloArvind Ramkrishna from Driven Mavens, hot rod designer Brian Stupski and Car Body Design founder Marco Traverso.

The jury will select one winner for each category, taking into consideration the capability of expressing beauty and emotions through lines, colors, composition and drawing/painting skills.


The winners will receive the How to Draw Cars Now! DVD set (sold at $49 on Driven Mavens’ Store) plus a $49 Amazon Gift Certificate, offered by Car Body Design.

All the entries will be published on CBD’s website and Facebook page.

…and every participant wins a ready-made Portfolio on Car Body Design!

By entering the contest, you’ll be among the first to have a personal portfolio on our pages.

Car Body Design PortfoliosThis much-awaited section will go live within the end of September with a beta version exclusively open to the contests’ participants. The section will then be made available to the public from late October.

If you are interested, just send us the material you wish to include – text, links and images – along with your contest entry. We will setup an account for you – unless you already have one – and we’ll upload the submitted material.

As soon as the pages are ready you’ll receive a notification with your login information, and you’ll be able to review and edit the portfolio before its publication.

If you are not interested, just tell us and we will consider your entry just for the contest. You can always build your portfolio later if you want, but you’ll miss the chance of having your page online among the first.

We look forward to receiving your works! And good luck to all!

Image Gallery

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Classic Motorsports Design Sketch Contest - Image 6

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Leave a Comment

  1. 5/9/2012

    Sounds great! I can’t wait for this new portfolio pages- I’m sure it’s going to be the BEST place to display your work.

  2. RAL

    YES! I agree. At last we can participate and show how fond of car design we are. Cool!
    Just one thing: How is the two-hour-time requirement going to be valued?. Will the Carbodydesign team accept a super render despite it might have taken more than 2 hours?. Mmmh.
    Although the requirements are clear I think that since everyone is invited (even non-english speakers), there should be a little more explanation regarding the requirements. Maybe, someone will submit a modern drawing with retro design features, for instance, when it si not the point. Anyway, its a great idea.


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